Hearts of Iron II Review

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12 min readMay 17, 2021


Hearts of Iron II Review

No one can say that the Second World War was easily won. His name is on it; it’s war. World War besides. How the Germans of their own to account for injustices to be more independent in their history and to ask to ask mistaken for starting this war, although the level of relations between nations and over time spread across the world in a short time with the technologies developed countries to other countries has turned into a struggle with their own power and a way to spread the most remote corners. Although it all started when Hitler took over the German administration. Germany, which was extremely nationalist, had already suffered a significant loss of power both psychologically and financially in the first World War; a second could bring about their end. Hitler’s attitude was the main reason that started the war, and the fact that Germany could not fight for long would only be revealed towards the end of the war. Despite this, the German armies, which fought well, had thoroughly expanded their borders until that date. Czechoslovakia, Austria had been captured before the war officially began, and it was very good for them that they had not fought the countries on their borders. But Germany’s geographical position was very opposite in terms of the presence of the Soviet Union on one side and France and England on the other. The main reason that started the war was Germany’s attack on Poland, and then other major states, according to their own ideas, attracted many countries to this war.

In fact, in the war, the Great States took part in the same line as other powerful nations that pursued thoughts like themselves. For example, at that time, in Japan and Italy, the rulers who were at the head of the state with the understanding of fascist rule, and Hitler’s Germany were united, and therefore turned their backs on countries that would fight against these countries. These were Britain, France, and later America, which joined the war because of Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor. It can be said that Germany followed a very good tactic in the Second World War. The consistency of Poland’s presence, recognized by France and Britain, and their agreement stating that they would assist them on the invasion of their borders was confirmed upon Hitler’s invasion of this country. At the same time, this attack meant the beginning of the war. Germany under Hitler, which more or less predicted what would happen in the future, made a non-aggression agreement with this country to minimize the threat of a Soviet Union that could develop in the East, and at least it was able to fight France and Britain in the West more comfortably. The confidence that this gave them was great, and before the end of the second year of the war, he made expeditions to almost all of Central Europe, from the Scandinavian countries to the borders of Turkey. After driving French and British forces away from their territory, Germany’s eyes turned and this time it slipped east into Soviet territory. The main reason this place was targeted was to land in the Middle East. From there, he probably planned to take over the British colonies. During the war alone, perhaps the only and biggest mistake Hitler made was at this stage. Hitler, who concentrated here to fight the advanced Soviet armies in the East, left behind a very, very strong Britain. Besides Britain, America would have been there when Germany waged war on the Soviet Union. Although America fought Japan in the war, it would not be good for them if the Germans lost an ally. Indeed, the war did not develop well for German troops after that…
History class is over…
Hearts of Iron, if I’m not mistaken, is one of the best games that have handled the Second World War from a tactical point of view since it was released two years ago, perhaps the first one that does not escape attention. You can see the entire map of the world on your screen and watch the war from here very comfortably. In terms of style and appearance, it would be wrong to liken Hearts of iron to risk, a desktop game. But it is worth noting that it is a more comprehensive, deeper and more important game than Hearts of Iron. The second of the series was also released, and fans of the game have played the same battle again for who knows how many times. And the second doesn’t have much different weather than the first. But this time you are forced more and feel the feeling of war much more deeply. The aim of the game is to be able to take part in the side that had the most land on earth by the end of 1947. The game features some generalizations and three different sides that have fought during the battle. These are the allies, the Axis powers and the Soviet side. You, on the other hand, can choose anyone you want, including from many states, even countries that have not actively participated in the war, and Turkey, and start the war. You’re free to execute any strategy you want. If you want, you can capture the surrounding states according to your head, expand your borders, colonize them; if you want, you can stick to the actual scenario of the war by applying the options here through messages that will come to your screens during the game. In general, the game takes place as the war occurred, and you can directly intervene in the development of historical events. That’s one of the things I like best. As you play the game, a window opens on the screen at a historically important time, and an agreement or decision in history is left to your initiative. The events that developed on that date are briefly explained to you, and when you look at the options that you can choose, you see what it can cost. For example, in mid-1938, First Austria comes under your yoke, and then you share Czechoslovakia with Hungary. You have to provide this to their members. But rest assured, it’s much more fun to play the game the way the war actually took place. The question of whether we want to attack Poland, which started the Great War after signing an agreement with the Soviets and gaining territory from Lithuania, comes at the beginning of September 1939. And then he gets a big start.

Each time these messages come to your screen, there are sometimes one or sometimes multiple options that you can choose from. Each option affects different things. If you continue the game in options appropriate to the scenario of the war, your value in the eyes of your enemies drops well. I started the game with them because I loved the Germans, and as the war developed directly over me, I played an active role in many decisions. At every step leading up to the war, my value to the British, the French and the other states that were with them was reduced. At the beginning of the game, I was excluded by Republican supporters around the world for being on the side of the fascists in the Civil War that occurred in Spain, while my relations with the leftists became stronger. Because I had soldiers in Spain with Italy, we went to war with Mussolini’s Italy together. So, since I did not expect any attack from the south and the north, except for the British naval fleet, I massed all my soldiers on the borders of France and Poland before the war, that is, to the East and West. I kept my naval fleet off Denmark, Norway and on the shores of my border with the Netherlands. In the meantime, I continued to develop new technologies, build factories and raise my IC level, and then build castles in cities on the border. I will soon detail what they mean; but, now that I am caught up, let me tell you what happened in my own Second World War :).

I was also careful to keep my long-range aircraft at airports I built in cities just behind my troops on the border. I again added the humanitarian and military strength I gained when Austria and Czechoslovakia came under my command to the troops in the East and West. Gradually, as the construction of factories began to end, my IC situation also increased, and thanks to the increased manpower and technological advances I made during the production phase, I began to produce troops more quickly. I was also careful to follow new emerging technologies and constantly developed them before the war. About two years later, I had a very large naval fleet off the Scandinavian coast, and I had a military force on the border that I believed was very strong. But one thing I realized too late was that I was actually weighing the Eastern Front. As soon as I started the war with Poland, the French began to attack with incredible force through Luxembourg, which I had previously annexed to my territory. Against France, my work on Poland was progressing perfectly, aiming only to ensure my border security. The British Army, which had prevented the French from helping to the East while not allowing them to enter my borders by sea, was also unable to help to the East, and by the time winter approached, I had advanced almost as far as old Estonia. I call it old Estonia, because the Soviet Union had already taken over Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and made them a buffer country. My advance in Poland was fine, but because I cared less about the West because of my stupidity, my soldiers on that side were thoroughly tired and weakened by the British and French. I had fallen much earlier in Hitler’s mistake, and as soon as I took over all of Poland, without taking into account the existence of Britain, they had already entered Berlin. My soldiers, who were thoroughly weakened by the participation of Australian Air Forces, could no longer stand, and the borders of Germany suddenly slipped to where old Poland was. Although I only started fighting French and British forces later, I could not develop head-on and I could not stomach the Italians and Japanese leaving me alone. In the summer of 1940, all my resistance ended and I lost the war.
That was a lesson to me…
The game really gives you incredible tactical freedom. Thanks to the fact that you can choose the country you want, you can enjoy the game wherever you want. Only the freedom that you give to choose the country you want can turn into a disadvantage in an instant with the IC level of each country. We can say that what we call IC represents your power to produce units. This varies depending on the country you choose when the game starts. For example, in Germany, America, Britain, France or the Soviet Union, this level is very high, while in Africa and South Asian countries it is very low. Turkey’S IC level is around 12. It is up to you to raise this level by creating factories, but since the development time of factories is also related to your manpower, manpower is also not very high in a place where IC is low. In addition, the lack of manpower directly affects your production of unity. So we wouldn’t be wrong if we said that war with developed countries tastes better. A high level of IC indicates itself when producing a unit. Your 5 IC points are lost when you make a factory, and when the factory ends depends on your manpower. If your IC level is higher, you can stack more work at the same time. You can easily see this from the menus at the top of the game under the title Production. As the list you create by constantly clicking on units to do something new grows, their colors begin to change from Green to red. As the color becomes red, the process of starting life of the unit becomes longer. In addition, because you spent all your material powers on this during the war, the units become available after a long time.

In Hearts of Iron 2, producing technology is very important. New technologies are effective at many points, from increasing the IC level and manpower to creating new units. When you click on the technology button at the top, many production sites come to your screens and you create them and use them in battle. When you press the rounds on the left side, you see the icon of a formation that you can choose and what areas they are experts in. In the boxes in the form of a tree on the right side, you can have information about what technological development works, you can choose your productions according to it. In addition, at the bottom of this screen, you can also see in what year this structure appeared. The pace of production also varies with this year. For example, the infantry brigade came into force in 1938. If you want to do this earlier, the speed of the event slows down considerably; but if you start producing it in the same year, a much faster development is possible. In the same way, if armored units that appeared in 1941 are started in 1938, they remain in the production process until 1940, and the process of implementation becomes very long. After selecting a company on the left side and a task on the right side, you start developing this technology by pressing the start button at the bottom. Among them are many options, from the German blitzkreig attack to the production of fission bombs. The fact that you can’t open others without producing some is another indicator of the weights given to units in the game.

In addition to all this, you also have the chance to colonize the countries you have conquered in the game, giving them back their independence. You can take advantage of the manpower and resources that will come from them, and you can go to war with them. You can reach trade agreements with other states, and you can offer them an alliance. If you’re not very, very good with the government you’re going to make a deal with, it’s probably not accepted. Accordingly, the attitude between you and this state can change, you can even go to war. You also have a situation where you can’t wage war on countries where you know Border Security and sign peace treaties. All of this indicates that Hearts of Iron 2 is a very wide and deep strategy game.
Let the war be a lesson to all…
There’s not much graphics in the game. Everything you see is a map of the world and military units on it. When a unit attacks the enemy, a red arrow appears from your soldiers towards them, and the soldiers representing the units start shooting at each other. In Hearts of Iron, there is not much available except for music as a sound. The music is great in one word and is available in MP3 format in the folders of the game. These are really masterpieces of classical music that put a person in the atmosphere of war during the game. Here’s what the graphics and sound events in the game are all about. But you will also appreciate that these are not the things that really matter about Hearts of Iron. The gameplay of the game gives you the same feeling that war gives you. You have constant unease, and when September 1938 comes, you start to choose carefully what to do. The slightest contrary movement is not well perceived by the enemies and you think of yourself at any moment under the threat of attack. Especially when you choose countries that actually live in war, events run in parallel with the progress of the war, and on top of that, you see yourself as under such an obligation.

But in general, the negative aspects of the game are not also absent. First of all, it means nothing for a long time to those who are not used to Hearts of Iron. First-timers can be forced to place units, produce technology, understand what IC means and how it works. But despite this, the tutorial part of the game is really prepared in quite detail, and the player is very well informed at all points, from simple tactics to creating units. Another negative aspect may also draw attention to its difficulty. Even the normal difficulty level of the game is quite challenging. Especially after the start of the war, it can become impossible to control the environment, and there can also be an absurd situation, such as being forced to play very well, whether you want to or not. That’s how the selectivity of the game manifests itself, and when you play the game well or feel that way, nothing really competes with the pleasure it gives you.

You should try Hearts of Iron 2. If you’re interested in strategy, simulation and World War II, it’s a misdemeanor that you stop if you want to be a little hard and experience a real war with all its glory and realism; go play Hearts of Iron right now. When you get over the adjustment process, his real pleasure manifests itself. As a final word, I want to note that I do not remember any other game that handled the second world war with such detail and realism. The game ends by the end of 1947. I wish the Cold War era after that existed in the game. But the Second World War must end. Rather, the” war “ should end. War is bad. It destroys people, civilians. It’s not just man he’s destroying, it’s the world itself. It is nature that is completely innocent that is destroyed. A nature that has given man everything he wants without question. He’s our only friend. It also contains animals.


